Evergreen from a distance, that turned out to be...

American holly (Ilex opaca).
We've only found two of these on our property, and neither one has berries. Possibly the birds ate them all before we found them, though.

Beechdrops (Epifagus virginiana)
I've never actually seen this one in bloom, since I don't venture into the woods a lot in late summer. (100°+ heat, dewpoint over 75°, thousands of bugs that bite, poison ivy galore, whine, moan, complain, etc.)

Spotted Wintergreen (Chimaphila maculata), a.k.a. Pipsissewa.
I have pronounced this incorrectly for years, saying Pippessewa instead of Pipsissewa.
The botanical name always makes me think of chimpanzees. (According to Wikipedia, though, "from Greek: cheima 'winter' and philos 'lover', hence 'winter lover'".)
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