23rd Annual Phend and Fisher Reunion held at John Earnest home near Sugar Grove Goshen, Ind. Aug 28, 1932
The presiding officers were
President Claude Poole
Vice Pres Ruben Pletcher
Sec & Treas Cecil Phend
Death & Birth Reporter
Mrs Barton Thornton
Entertainment Committee
Fred Earnest Chairman
Mr Cecil Phend
Mrs Cecil Phend
Mr Russell Phend
Mr Barton Thornton
The day was dark and dreary and so the meal was served in Uncle John Earnest home, every one had all they could hold. Pres. Claude Poole ask that we sing Dixology and then Ruben Pletcher ask blessing before we ate. After a social good time the meeting was called to order at the Sugar Grove Church by Pres Claude Poole. A groupe song was sung.
[page 2]
Report of last Reunino was Read and approved. It was moved and seconed to have 1933 reunion at H. A. Phends - Columbia City Ind.
Short talks were given by Mrs John Earnest on first Phend Reunion
Mrs Barton Thornton reads the Phend & Fisher year newspaper which was rather shocking to many
a piano and vocal duet by Mrs Cecil Phend & Daughter and Mrs Victor Phend
a Piano duet by Richard & Anna May Thornton
a talk by H A Phend on Reunion
a talk by Fred Earnest on Honesty
Presents were given to
Mrs John Earnest oldest lady
Mr James Shaw oldest man
Ruben Pletchers Son youngest boy
Paul Phends daughter youngest girl
John Earnest Bald headest man
Henry Phend Largest family
Letter from Howard Phend
[page 3]
Financial Report 1932
In Treasure 4.35
Payed out for Cards 1.90
Coffee sugar Ect 1.58
Total expence 3.48
Balance on Hand .87
Collection 2.30
[balance on hand] .87
[new total] $3.17
Birth and Death Record By Mrs Bartan Thornton
John Phend. Son of Grandfather
Jacob Phend & Wife
Died Nov 1931 age 83.
[editor's note: John Phend died December 10, 1931. His third wife , Eliza Ann Shorb Sponhauer, died January 14, 1931. Jacob J Phend had died in 1929 and his second wife was still living in 1931 so I don't know what Uncle Cecil meant by listing "Jacob Phend & wife" in the deaths.]
Dela [Della] Phend Senniff [Senff] age 56 Died April 1932. Daughter of uncle John Phend & wife.
Born to
Paul Phend & Wife a girl, June Joan Phend
New Officers Elected for 1933
Pres H. A. Phend
Vice Pres Mrs James Shaw
Sec & Treas. Cecil Phend
Chairman Fred Earnest
Mr Barton Thornton
Cecil Phend
[page 4]
Birth & Death Reporter
Mrs Katherine Pletcher
A congregational Son was sung and the meet was dismissed.
Cecil Phend Sec.
Ballance 3.17
Cost of Cards 1.70
In Treasure 1.47
Collection 1.95
[total] 3.42

The Phend-Fisher families gathered for a reunion in Elkhart County, Indiana almost annually from 1909 until 1943. The events of the day were recorded in an old ledger book. Spelling has been retained as it was in the original though some punctuation and paragraph breaks have been added. To view all articles in this series click on the "Phend-Fisher Reunion Ledger" label at the bottom of this post.
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