But this boot does something no other boot to day will......look closer.

For those that read the blog on a regular basis it is obvious I am into the fit and the design concepts of mountain boots. I had thought that I had either seen or dreamt about every boot technology currently possible. Boy was I ever naive! I have been pushing for and thinking about a concept boot with the ability to climb like say a Batura on mixed, a Spantik on ice and ski as well as a TLT5 Perf.and be as warm asa new Scarpa 6000 dbl boot. All while be lighter than any of them and have a lower foot profile It is a tall order that I don't expect to see any time soon. But you never know when you mightbe surprised by this industry!
One of the things I have long thought about and recently discussed with my podiatrist is the damage a soft cuffed and rigid soled mtn. boot does to your feet. Having already climbed in that style boot for several decades I didn't see any options available and to be honest figured having a rigid sole was mandatory and if my feet suffered long term, so be it. Just part of the price we pay.
Then earlierthis weekI gota few pictures and a teaseabout thebasic idea behindthe newest Salewa Pro Series of boots.
There are no samples available yetto play with but my take this far is. "very cool!"Here is why. A sole that you are suppose to be able to change the flex on? Say what? A boot you can use and walk with in comfort. Virtually "flip a lever"and have a rigid boot sole for technical climbing, skiing orcrampons and ice?
It sounds like science fiction to be honest and I can't read the printed pictured clearly so I am guessing on most of this pastwhat I have been told.. But the technology is simply amazing if it proves workable. Imagine a boot you can easily do a long walking approach and then flip a lever and have a dead rigid boot sole for either a ice climb or a ski boot if that wasrequired?
I'll reserve judgement until I get to use a pair. But this is definitely technology I have never even dreamed about. May be you have. Obviously some one has!I am really looking forward to getting out to climb and walk in apair.
Make sure to dbl click on all the photos for full effect.

The Pro GaiterThis is a single boot with a built in gaiter like a Phantom Guide, Kayland 6001or the Batura.
Salewa claims this oneas the "new bench mark for high level mountaineering and ice climbing". Bold statement indeed. I am looking forward to adding to thattheory as a end user. Unknown water proof breathable material in the gaiter, Thinsulate for insulation and a T-Zip. It is a good start.

The Pro Guide should be verysimilarto the Nepal Evo or Mt Blanc.
If you are at OR, better stop by and look at this one today. I'm impressed but let me know your thoughts on this one.
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