A Great Egret (Ardea alba)

and two Black Vultures (Coragyps atratus)

The Black Vulture isn't really a beast of course. He's just got an image problem.
"Hey, compared to the Turkey Vulture, I'm a beauty queen!"
Actually I think they're both beauties. We see Turkey Vultures a lot more than Black Vultures, so I was tickled to see these guys perched in a dead tree last week on a foggy morning.
The Great Egret has decided that he likes our fishing hole and has been hanging around for the past week, getting used to us. The Great Blue Heron is the only one not happy about that.
He seems to think he's got exclusive fishing rights, and intimidates the Great Egret with lots of squawking and flapping. "Heron fight! Heron fight!"
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