Probably in preparation for moving his family to Whitley County, Indiana early the next year, James sold that same land to Jonas Joslin Jr. on October 28, 1837. It does not contain the clause giving Jonas Sr. and Ruth use of the land. I'm wondering now if I didn't miss a land record. It seems odd that the amount of land in this 1837 transaction is 100 acres, the same as in 1822. Perhaps, it is because James and Jonas Jr. owned the land jointly. The important thing, for me at least, is that the record still shows that James Joslin's wife was named Nabby! This 1837 record was found in Delaware County, Ohio Deed Book 16, pages 249 and 250.

Filed & Recorded 28th Oct 1837
A Picket [?] Sr. Recorder. Delaware County Ohio
James Joslin deed to Jonas Joslin Jr.}
Delaware County Ohio, to wit; Know all men by these presents, that we James Joslin and Nabby Joslin, wife of said James Joslin of Liberty Township, Delaware County and State of Ohio for and consideration of the sum of Five Hundred Dollars paid (or Secured to be paid) by Jonas Joslin Jun'r of Liberty Township County and State aforesaid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have remised, released and forever quitclaim unto the said Jonas Joslin Junr his heirs and assigns all the estate, right, title and interest whatsoever, both in law or equity which we the said James Joslin and Nabby have in and to the following described land namely, lot No Sixteen, in the East tier of lots in the fourth section of the third Township in the Nineteenth Range of the United States Military lands and within the said County of Delaware, supposed to contain one hundred acres more or less, so that we nor either of us, our heirs or assigns or any other person or persons in trust for either of us or them, shall or will have any claim, right, title or interest in and to the same or any part thereof, but that we the said James Joslin & Nabby Joslin our heirs and assigns and every of them from all estate right, title and interest in and to the Same, shall be by these presents forever debarred. In witness whereof the said James Joslin and Nabby Joslin have here

unto set their hands and seals this twenty ninth day of August Anno Domini Eighteen hundred and thirty seven.
Executed in presence of
P. E. Buell
William Hills
[signed by]
James Joslin {seal}
Nabby Joslin {seal}
State of Ohio Delaware County SS. Personally came James Joslin and [blank space] Joslin his wife signers and sealers of the above instrument and acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein expressed. The said [blank space] Joslin wife of the said James Joslin being by me first examined by me separate and apart from her said husband and the contents of the above deed by me made known to her, declared that she did voluntarily sign seal and acknowledge the same and that she is still fully satisfied therewith. Witness my hand this twenty ninth day of August AD. 1837.
Philaster E. Buell. Justice of the peace
A Picket. Jr., Recorder, Delaware County, Ohio
Filed and Recorded 28th Oct. 1837.
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