I had a fun encounter with a moose yesterday. After work I went for a drive in the woods and as I came around a corner on a local dirt road there was this moose standing right in the road. As soon as it saw the car it walked off into the brush. I of course got out of the car to try and get a picture, since the moose only walked about 100 feet off into the woods. It was very difficult to see, however, since the brush was so thick. It was definitely curious about me, as it stood at a safe distance but kept staring at me through the trees. I had to manually focus my lens in order to make this shot. Because of all the brush in the way the camera was unable to autofocus on the moose, instead choosing to attempt focusing on every little branch in the way between us. After about 10 minutes the moose must have gotten bored because it finally turned and walked off away from me. This is far from my best shot of this iconic northwoods animal, but still it's a picture of a moose so I figure it's worth sharing :-)
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