These pics are from Mother's Day at my mother's house.

Eastern Chipmunk, Tamias striatus. Did somebody change the spelling while I wasn't paying attention? I could've sworn he was a Chipmonk.
My Dad was constantly at war with them in the yard. Once he thought to burn them out of their tunnels with gasoline. I'm sorry I missed it -- the roaring whoosh of flame from the drainage grate was apparently something to see. As was the look on his face when he realized that the chipmunks could just as easily have tunneled under the house.

Melanistic Eastern Gray Squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis.
Melanistic = overabundant pigment
Leucistic = reduced pigment
Albinistic = no pigment

OK, not really a rodent, but my sister's unusually cute small dog, Elvis the Bichon Frisé. He was this small at Christmas.
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