The bond was a printed form. Text shown below that is bold and italicized was hand-written in the document. Daniel Deemer was the son-in-law of Jacob Switzer.
Know all Men by these Presents, that we Daniel Deemer, Daniel Stouffer, Joseph Wallance and Abtill Sturgeon of Columbiana County, State of Ohio, are held and firmly bound to said State of Ohio, in the sum of Ten thousand Dollars, to which payment well and truly to be made, to said State, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, and every of them, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed and sealed this 7th day of November A. D. 1859.
The condition of this bond is such, That if the above name Daniel Deemer Administrator of the Estate of Jacob Switzer late of said County, deceased.
First – Shall make and return into the Probate Court, for said county, on oath, within three months, a true inventory of all the monies, goods, chattels, rights and credits of the deceased, which shall have come to his possession or knowledge; and also, if required by said Court, an inventory of the real estate of deceased.
Secondly – Shall administer according to law, all the moneys, goods, chattels, rights, credits of the deceased, and the proceeds of all the real estate that may be sold for the payment of the debts of the deceased which shall at any time come to his possession, or the possession of any other person for him.
Thirdly – Shall render, upon oath, a just account of his administration, within eighteen months and at any other time or times when required by said Court or the Law.
Fourthly – Shall pay any balance remaining in his hands upon the settlement of his accounts, to such person or persons as the Court or the Law shall direct; and
Fifthly – Shall deliver the letters of Administration into said Court; in case any will of the deceased shall be hereafter duly proved and allowed; then this bond to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue in law.
W. E. McLaughlin
[signed by]
Daniel Deemer
Daniel Stouffer
Joseph Wallace
Abtil Sturgeon

Executors Bond. Estate of Jacob Switzer. Probate Packet 4962. Columbiana County, Ohio.
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