The Parade began with the American Legion Color Guard and the Community Band (on the float behind them) playing the National Anthem.

Of course, Horses were a big part of the parade. A little “artistic license” taken here with selective focus and sepia toning...

This four-horse team was quite impressive.

The “Centennial Christmas Tree” was decorated with sunflowers, amongst other things. The fields of Sunflowers in the area were so pretty and colorful.

Of course, there was some clowning around.

This gal was having way too much fun! I tried hard to get a full face photo of her but she was just moving around too quickly.

Quite the colorful character!
The parade was enjoyed by all. The threat of rain in the morning did not dampen spirits - the voice over the loudspeaker announced that we were part of the largest crowd ever in White River!
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