Sunday, May 31, 2009

Foxton Locks - Lubenham - Foxton

Led by Barrie E. With Terry, Barry, Maureen, Norma, Kate and Sue. 5 and a half miles. Very warm, but no sun until we'd almost finished the walk. Dry underfoot.

Pleasant walk with no hard climbing. We parked at the lower car park, near the pub etc. We walked up to the Top Lock crossed the Canal bridge and made our way across the fields towards Lubenham.

Through the playground in Lubenham. I was interested to see what the garmin did with the stint on the swings and a couple of shots at the net/basket-ball goal. Anyway after a short snack break we pressed on. Across a couple of wheat fields with clear wide paths, we passed Gartree Prison way over on the left. We finally rejoined the canal where a footbridge crosses. We turned left and followed the tow path, past the swing bridge for the road, and finally back to Foxton Locks. Lunch at the pub.

Picture from

More details later.

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