The 19th Family Reunion of the Phend - Fisher Families was held on Sunday Aug. 26th at McNaughton Park.
The time before dinner was spent in getting acquainted and greeting old friends. At noon all gathered around the table and after grace, pronounced by Rev. Oberholser, all began eating and talking.
After dinner a meeting was called by the President Claude Poole, and following officers elected.
President Claude Poole
Vice President Harold Phend
Sec. R. H. Phend
Treasurer John Ernest.
Memorial Committee Surelda Thornton
Arrangement Com.
J. J. Phend
Fred Ernest
Iva Wherley
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Entertainment Committee
Fred Ernest, Chairman to elect two others to serve with him.
It was voted to hold the next meeting the last Sunday in August the place to be decided later by the Arrangement Committee.
We were then favored with two duets by Rev. & Mrs. Oberholser and a duet by Mrs. John Ernest and Mrs. Shaw. Fred Ernest then presented the Family Tree in a very interesting manner and the meeting was then closed with a prayer.
R. H. Phend, Sec.
The Attendence was 75.
[in a different handwriting] Births
Virginia Rose Phend Daughter of Victor Phend.

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