growing out of the side of a mossy little bluff on the old logging road.

Close-up of the lower one. If it were any larger I think I'd be worried about zombies hatching out and trying to eat my brains.

Close-up of the other one.*

I found another group further down the road. This one's stem was covered in leaves.

I removed them so I could see it in all its, um, glory.
I almost feel the need to say that these photos may not be suitable for young children!
I believe these are either Ravenel's Stalked Puffball (Calostoma ravenelii) or Yellow Stalked Puffball (Calostoma lutescens). I found a couple of keys but neither seems to match exactly.
* Interesting tiny fern (or bryophyte?) on the lower right too. I didn't notice it until I looked at the photos. I couldn't identify it with a quick web search - maybe someone else will know.
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