So that the “important” data would fit within the width allowed by the blog, I've left off the month and day in the transcription where it was noted in the document and also the voucher number.
[Date] 1859 1859 1860 1859 1859 1859 1859 1860 1860 1864 1859 1860 1860 1860 1860 1861 1861 1861 1861 1859 1859 1860 - - | By am't paid, E. Eeld B. F. Humfrees [?] Geo Arter Catharine Mitcheley Paul & Pritchard Ezekial Shelton Samuel Burger W. E. McLaughlin Philip Simon James Martin Appraisers Geo. Frud Dr. D. Springer Dr. D. Deemer L. W. Potter Jacob Yarian & wife Jacob Manaweck & wife Peter Buchecker & wife D. Deemer Leathy Switzer Leathy Switzer Leathy Switzer Confirmation ofTotal | [reason] for coffin & case Servis [?] Taking care of stock for Labor Store Bill On Note Calling Sale Clerking Sauring [?] Probate Fees Fees Grave Stones Medical Attendance Medical Attendance Atty Fees Distribution Share Distribution Share Distribution Share Distribution Share Widow's Allowance Widows Share part Widows Share full Administration Disbursed | Dolls Cts25.0043.6812.0025.005.9630.002.0015.001.506.503.0025.003.005.0020.00702.60700.98700.98702.60258.52805.20600.00200.00$4893.42 |
Accountant says that he took vouchers for the $20 above set forth as paid to L. W. Pottter and for the $805.20 paid the widow, but that the same can not now be found. He also states that he does not know the amount of interest collected on each of the notes set-forth in this account but believes the gross amount herein stated to be the full amount received.

Final Account of the Estate of Jacob Switzer. Probate Packet 4962. Columbiana County, Ohio

The State of Ohio, Columbiana County, ss.
I, Daniel Deemer Administrator of the Estate of Jacob Switzer do make solemn oath that the above is a true and correct account of said Estate, as I verily believe.
Sworn and Subscribed to this 17th day of March A. D. 1870. D. Deemer
Before me, Solomon J. Firestone, Probate Judge.
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